================================================================ More4you Newsletter ... more tips, training & tutorials for webmasters & entrepreneurs. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=--=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Everything you need to make your website & business a success! ******************************** Issue 76 - October 01, 2002 ******************************** Published & edited by Frank Bauer www.add2it.com & www.add2it.de www.million-mall.com & www.million-mall.de ================================================================ The More4you Newsletter is delivered by subscription only. Subscription and removal instructions are located at the end of this newsletter. Table Of Content: -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- 1) Good Morning...! 2) Sponsor Of This Newsletter Issue 3) First Article: "Opt-In Email Marketers: How to Deal With a Growth Pain of Internet Success, the Email Glut" by Marty Foley 4) News & Changes At Add2it & Million-Mall! 5) Second Article: "How to make more dollars from the minutes you spend" by Paul Barrs 6) The Question & Answers Section 7) Advertising Information & Classified Ads 8) Newsletter Notes & Policies ================================================================ 1) Good Morning...! -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=--=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- I would also like to welcome you to the 76th issue of the "More4you Newsletter"! Today is Tuesday, the 01st of October, 2002. The current number of subscribers is: 3370 We are getting very close to the release day of Add2it AutoRespond Pro V1.00. The script itself is finished and now the manual and web pages are being prepared. If you like you can already now take a look at the online demo at: http://www.add2it.com/arp/demo/admin.pl I also added a new support forum for it at: http://www.add2it.com/discus/ Please post you comments, thoughts and ideas right there. Also the next release of Add2it Mailman Pro is almost ready. So... this month of October will hopefully be as exciting for you as it will be for me. :) Before I forget: Beginning now Add2it resellers can also earn up to 15% commissions on two tiers on all sales of the Add2it Promotion Service at: http://www.add2it.com/increase-traffic.shtml OK, now let's get started immediately ... ... have fun, relax and enjoy! Frank Bauer Publisher & Editor of the "More4you Newsletter" ================================================================ 2) Sponsor Of This Newsletter Issue: ´´~`` ( o o ) +----------------------.oooO--(_)--Oooo.----------------------+ | Get the mailing list management script that every publisher | | and webmaster needs to be successful and don't just take my | | word for it... read what many other say about it and | | get your own copy of Add2it Mailman Pro today at: | | http://www.add2it.com/go/to.pl?l=mailman-pro | +-------------------------------------------------------------+ ================================================================ 3) First Article: -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=--=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- "Opt-In Email Marketers: How to Deal With a Growth Pain of Internet Success, the Email Glut" by Marty Foley -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=--=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- There are certain Internet business problems that have a positive side: They come as a by-product of growth and success. This article can help you cope with a very common growth pain: that of being swamped with email. Some of it junk, some of it helpful reading material, some of it important correspondence that you must reply to and/or file away for future reference. The email glut can cost you dearly. Here's your first tip on dealing with it: * Start with a good email program. This is a foundation stone of efficient Internet business operations. Here are some top email programs that can help you automate much of your email operations, based on the collective opinions of many experienced cyberpreneurs: 1) Pegasus: http://www.pmail.com/ 2) Eudora Pro: http://www.eudora.com/ 3) MS Outlook: http://www.microsoft.com/outlook/ * Learn and use the automation features of a good email program. All the above programs help automate various email activities to one degree or another, through features generally referred to as "filters." If you're not using an email program with automated filtering capabilities, or if you have one but aren't taking advantage of the filters feature, seriously consider it. * Arrange well-organized email folders. If too much email sits in the "In Box" of your email program, it can get overwhelming, and it's very easy to overlook the high-priority messages. You can reduce that by using filters to move certain messages to folders specifically set aside for them. (With Pegasus, you can also set up a series of "Quick Folder" keys, which allow you to quickly copy or move messages to certain folders with just a couple of keystrokes.) * Periodically assess your email flow. Subscribing to too many email lists can also contribute to your email deluge. If overwhelmed, periodically step back, assess which lists are delivering you true value - and which aren't - and unsubscribe from those that don't make the grade. To save time, you can temporarily move those you want to cancel to a folder named "To Unsubscribe," and cancel several at once. * Reduce spam. This well-worn topic gets old sometimes, and there aren't any miracle solutions, but here are some quick tips: 1) Use email filters to move spam (or potential spam) to a folder set aside for it. Spam often (but not always) has an email address other than one of your own in the "TO" line of the email message. If you use a filter to delete all such messages outright, there's a chance you'll miss some important email. If you move it to an email folder set aside for it, then you can scan through it quickly on occasion and make judicious use of your delete key. After a while you'll be able to accurately detect most spam messages without opening them. 2) Be careful giving out your main email address(es). Some people willingly hold people "hostage" to their email lists. It's frustrating (and sometimes seemingly impossible) to unsubscribe. That's certainly not a way to foster good business relationships, but it happens. (I'm not talking about other problems leaving a list that aren't the fault of the list owner; that's another story.) If you're a bit wary about giving out your main email address due to this or other problems, you can either set aside an "alias" address within your domain that you only use for situations like this (and use a filter to send those messages to a special email folder). You can also use one of the free email addresses available online that forwards messages to your main email account. If worse comes to worse and that address starts getting overwhelmed with spam, you can stop the flow by cancelling it. Note: Some list owners prefer that you do not subscribe using a free email account, due to various issues. Well, there you have it: Some practical tips for dealing with a common "growth pain" that often comes with Internet success. May they contribute toward your own Internet success story, while bringing some relief to a common "growth pain." -- More Helpful Resources... LeadFactory is a proven "pay per subscriber" or "pay per lead" service that explodes the size of opt-in email lists! ==> http://ProfitInfo.com/cf/leadfactory.htm To boost your opt-in email profits, sign up now for ProfitInfo's free Email Profits E-Course: ==> http://ProfitInfo.com/cf/e-courses.htm ================================================================ 4) News & Changes At Add2it & Million-Mall: -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=--=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- This section will keep you updated on all important news and updates regarding: www.add2it.com & www.add2it.de www.million-mall.com & www.million-mall.de Below you find out about the 11 most important news & updates during the month of September. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=--=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- English / Englisch: 09/02/02 - The latest issue of the "More4you Newsletter" is now online available in the back issues section at: http://www.million-mall.com/news/ 09/20/02 - The "X-Linking helps everybody" got new links at: http://www.million-mall.com/cross.shtml 09/20/02 - The Shopping Center of the Million-Mall got updated as well at: http://www.million-mall.com/shopping.shtml 09/20/02 - Also the Network Marketing Center of the Million-Mall got updated at: http://www.million-mall.com/network-marketing.shtml 09/21/02 - The Traffic Building Center of the Million-Mall got updated at: http://www.million-mall.com/traffic-building.shtml 09/23/02 - The site map of the Add2it.com web site has been completely redone at: http://www.add2it.com/site-map.shtml -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=--=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- German / Deutsch: 02.09.02 - Es gibt nun eine neue Add2it Service Bestellseite unter: http://www.add2it.com/service/bestellung.shtml 20.09.02 - Das Traffic Building Center der Million-Mall wurde auf den neusten Stand gebracht unter: http://www.million-mall.com/traffic-building-d.shtml 20.09.02 - Ebenso wurde das Shopping Center der Million-Mall auch auf den neusten Stand gebracht unter: http://www.million-mall.com/shopping-d.shtml 20.09.02 - Ausserdem wurde das Network Marketing Center der Million-Mall auf den neusten Stand gebracht unter: http://www.million-mall.com/network-marketing-d.shtml 23.09.02 - Die Site-Map der Add2it.com Website wurde komplett überarbeitet unter: http://www.add2it.com/site-karte.shtml ================================================================ 5) Second Article: -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=--=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- "How to make more dollars from the minutes you spend" by Paul Barrs -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=--=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Hello and welcome, we've got a real treat for you today! Have you ever had a potential sale slip through your fingers? Have you ever wondered why you get so many visitors to your web site and so few subscribers to your newsletter? Well, the solution is at hand. In this tutorial, "Home Business Sales Strategies", you'll find 29 ideas on how to boost your performance, and your results, both Online and offline. Recently, in my own Ezine, we've run a number of Real Audio Home Business Tutorials. Our readers have loved the welcome break from "reading", to "listening". Now, it's your turn. So grab a cup of coffee (or whatever you prefer) and site back and relax. In the next 17 minutes you are going to hear 29 hot shot ideas on how to improve your sales systems within your business. However, listen carefully, you won't want to miss a thing! You'll need to be Online, plus have a copy of Real Audio installed on your system. If you don't have Real Audio, you can download a free copy at: http://www.real.com Then simply click on the link following, and enjoy. (Oh yeah, grab a pen a paper as well.) Click Here: http://www.paulbarrs.com/tutorials/sales.ram If this link does not work from your email client, simply cut and paste it into your browser. All the best! Paul Barrs. -- Paul Barrs has compiled a complete Seminar Series titled "Website Magic!" In it you will find 10 audio tutorials covering all the essential aspects of profitable Website Design, showing you how to Make More Profit in your Home Business Website. Download it Free from: http://www.paulbarrs.com ================================================================ 6) The Questions & Answers Section: -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=--=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Each issue, we are going to post a new question of interest for all marketers and the best answer(s) to the question of the previous issue. The question for the next issue: -------------------------------- This time I have some very interesting questions for all webmasters and entrepreneurs. Please be so kind and answer a short survey in regard to one-time / monthly fee and pay-per-click programs at: http://www.add2it.com/more4you-survey.shtml The result will be published in the next issue. You have an interesting question you would like answered? Please send your question to: -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=--=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- The question of the last issue: ------------------------------- Last issue I asked you to answer a short survey in regard to techniques to optimize search engine submission and promotion programs. The results of the survey: -------------------------- 1. What techniques do you use to optimize the ability of multiple search engines to pick up pages on your site? (Question submitted by: Emilie Boyles) Vern Anderson: "Meta tags and hand submission." Charles Miesel: "I use meta tags and title then I optimize them with various sites and software. I use relavent text in my body. I use CSS more than scripts to achieve attention getting and navigational effects." Warren Contreras: "Nothing, and I have some first place results on Google and Yahoo. I think Search Engine optimization is way overblown and not nearly as important for online marketers as for niche marketers. There are more productve means for getting traffic." Ed Cooksey: "Include the steps required or emphasized by each major engine." Gail McDonald: "Beyond all the meta stuff, I use Search Engine Cloaker (big plug: http://www.matrixwizard.com/aclp/cloaker.html)." Comments: To a very big degree it is a matter of how "good" you make your web pages. A good copy is important as well as the proper META tags are. The reason I left Gails's plug in, was simply because I wanted to hear from others about the "Search Engine Cloaker" script. Does it really work? What are the chances of being penalized by the search engines that might catch you using this technique? 2. Why do people join programs designed for promoters and do nothing? How can they expect to gain if they do not participate? (Question submitted by: Warren Contreras) Audra Schwalm: "I think most people who are new to online business get caught up in the hype and they actually believe they can get rich quick without lifting a finger. It looks so easy it just sucks us right in the trap. Once people realise they actually have to 'work', then they'll start working. Either that or they give up. You have to treat it like a business because that's what it is. There's way to many people online who expect everything for nothing and it just don't work like that. Figure out what it is you want then go after it. Don't expect anyone to hand it to you because it won't happen." Vern Anderson: "Very good question that I don't think anyone can answer. 10% of affiliates make 90% of the sales." Susan Rusnak: "Probably for a number of reasons: - Too many to choose from - Never really intended to do anything to begin with - Not sure if it will work - Earlier more basic confusions on internet marketing that are stopping them from understanding the program they are trying to use. - past failures - fear of doing it wrong - not enough help for beginners" Charles Miesel: "The sales pages are effective put the programs either involve too much babysitting or more money than they are willing to invest." Ed Cooksey: "Because of the Internet hype and belief that they can get the benefits for free. If their sponsors and upline would teach them the steps necessary for success, a great many of them would see the truth and start promoting and learning what it takes to succeed." Dionne Flewelling: "Because they believe the ads stating earn a ton of money without doing anything. They want to earn a good income but they also want to stay home and RELAX!" Doug Green: "People join a lot of things but then instantly start quitting - it's a defense mechanism against the stigma of failure. 'I can't fail because I quit along time ago.'" Audra Gehrke: "People still think they can get something for nothing, especially online. There's still newbies coming online everyday and they have the wrong mentality when first starting out. They join tons of programs and have no idea how to market them. If someone joins something under you, you should send them a welcome email and let them know if they need help you are there for them. But then again, not everyone emails you back. But emailing them will get you in the flow of follow-ups. This is what a lot of people are not doing and this is why they're not seeing results. Follow-up is key for your online business, it is a must if you want it to work for the long term. Some people join things for just the product or service and not to resell or advertise it. Either way you should stay in contact with your downlines in everything your marketing because if they bought from you one time, more than likely they'll buy from you again." Gail McDonald: "Sometimes I get carried away with enthusiasm and over commit by joining something that looks really good but I don't have time to get to it. I keep thinking "tomorrow", but it is soon 2 months later and I haven't gotten to it." Mary Wilkey: "Lack of time, biting off more than one can chew!" Timothy Valentine: "I think that most people simply don't realize the amount of work, research etc., must be put into these programs to make them work. I believe the greater percentage of people that get involved with such programs, just give up." Comments: Very true comments... the one and most important one is: Not "they" are the problem... "we" are! If you have an affiliate program: Are you too afraid to scare a "potential" reseller away if you would tell him that there is "work" involved in order to "earn"? What is better, one out of ten active resellers or four out of five? If you are in these resellers upline: Are you really expecting that your downline members will do what's necessary, even if you don't? We he or she work if you don't? Will he or she stay in contact if you don't? This is more about: How willing are we to leave our comfort zone? Just some questions... to make us all start thinking. 3. Are you a subscriber of the More4you newsletter? Yes - 82.35% No - 0.00% Don't know - 17.65% ================================================================ 7) Advertising Information & Classified Ads: -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=--=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- The More4you Newsletter is not offering free classified ads, but you can earn and/or buy "Line Credit Points" (LCP's) and exchange them against classified ad space! If you are interested in buying LCP's, please send an email to the autoresponder at . You will receive the "Paid Advertisement Guidelines" by email. To learn how to earn LCP's or to see the FAQ section go to: http://www.million-mall.com/news/ And now let's see the latest ad news... ... yes, ads can be news too. :) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=--=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- You can PLAY the German Lotto, WIN Tremendous Prizes and EARN Huge Commissions when YOU become an Agent for FREE!!! - LottoTeam offers now a free fun drawing on their web site in which you can win 500,000 Euro, a new car or cash prizes from 50 to 500 Euro! - The LottoTeam Guarantee: If you play LottoTeam for 12 months without ever winning, LottoTeam will pay you 10,000 Euro! You can't lose with LottoTeam! - Up to 32.5% first level commission - easy for you to earn! - Up to 1,000,000 Euro in Bonuses paid! - LottoTeam has a free, self replicating web site for all members in two languages... English & German! Click to win: http://www.add2it.com/go/to.pl?l=m4u-lottoteam -< - >- Special Notice for our subscribers: It seems like everybody these days has been rehashing the same old thing about how to "make money on the Internet". That's why what I'm about to tell you seems so noteworthy... I've recently been in contact with someone who has been using the Internet and technology to earn large sums of money (we're talking millions of dollars) using a completely different approach: His name is Mike Enlow, and he's been endorsed by many of the most successful marketing experts in the world as the "pioneer" of using technologies to literally cut risk so you *can't fail!* For his many innovations, he is often called the "godfather" of the online marketing revolution. Frankly, I would be doing you a disservice if I didn't let you know about his most creative endeavor yet - a virtual online marketing encyclopedia - the "key to the vault" I believe will unlock profits for you like nothing else on the net. When I approached Mike about his new program, I was able to arrange for my readers to get into this information *right away* by getting you access to his famous 8-page report; "Sand Castles to Empires, How To Start With Nothing and Create Great Wealth." Read it at your earliest convenience as it is available for just a short time for you, my readers. Go there now: http://www.add2it.com/go/to.pl?l=m4u-enlowcircle -< - >- Guaranteed to Make Money!! Take a look at the new website everybody is flocking to. Get Hundreds of dollars in free visitors as a bonus! This is brand new. Get in EARLY for a change. http://hits4sure.com An EzineADventure AD. Click Below - Get Your FREE Ads NOW! http://www.add2it.com/go/to.pl?l=m4u-ezineadventure -- See why Rim Digest For Marketers and Small Business Owners has almost 30,000 subscribers. Get free downloads, great articles, tips & lots more! http://www.rimdigest.com mailto:jtd@rimdigest.com?subject=subscribeAdd2it Five FREE eBooks with subscription plus just ask and get TEN more great freebies! -< - >- Get Your College Degree in just 5 days. Tired of being passed over for promotions because you don't have a degree? Discover a little known secret to enhance your employability and prestige. http://wetrack.it/instantdegrees/af.cgi?301 An EzineADventure AD. Click Below - Get Your FREE Ads NOW! http://www.add2it.com/go/to.pl?l=m4u-ezineadventure -- Does Your Web Site Need More Traffic? Your web site will be submitted to over 1000 search engines and directories without any effort from your side! Let us do all the work for you today: http://www.add2it.com/go/to.pl?l=submit -< - >- HUGE DISCOUNT ON MASTER RIGHTS The Ultimate Package of Resell Reprint Rights for BIG MONEY PRODUCTS - at a truly Unbelievable Price! Selling Quick, so Go NOW: http://www.ezineadventure.com/ResaleRights.html An EzineADventure AD. Click Below - Get Your FREE Ads NOW! http://www.add2it.com/go/to.pl?l=m4u-ezineadventure -- Are you tired of searching for ad rates, or how to place a classified ad in an ezine, or which ones to advertise in? The Directory of Ezines, a hassle-free guide to ezine advertising is your solution. Samples, details, free gift, how to order and subscribe to our ezine at: http://www.add2it.com/go/to.pl?l=m4u-ezines -< - >- Home Security Launched Cognigen Networks Inc announced last week their newest addition to their line of products and services, home security systems. Protect America, one of America's fastest growing providers of home security monitoring service, was selected from a very competitive pool of service providers to become the first home security vendor for Cognigen. Protect America, Inc. will take the orders directly from the Cognigen web site, handle all customer service, and provide 24-hour home monitoring service for their customers. http://www.add2it.com/go/to.pl?l=m4u-cognigen-pa -< - >- If you are a list owner or plan to have your own soon, you need to check out my new list host software! http://www.add2it.com/go/to.pl?l=m4u-mailman It can run unlimited lists and the options are unbelievable! It will handle the subscribes and unsubs for you and send not only you a message letting you know what is going on, but can send your subs a message you have preset for them as a welcome and so much more! You can set up your subscriber form to ask for just first name and email address, as I have chosen to do, or several more options to make your list info as targeted as possible and you have got to go SEE it to get a glimmering of all this software offers for ONLY $79.00! I tried the free trial and an hour later was checking into the purchase option and if I could set it up with NO cgi or perl knowledge, anyone can use it! http://www.add2it.com/go/to.pl?l=m4u-mailman It costs you nothing to try out the trial and I would just bet you will love it as much as I did! No longer will I have to worry about a list host shutting me down because all of a sudden they change their policies and I will never again know the nightmare of last week when I was shut out of my own list and told I was "not a member"! - Jan Tallent-Dandridge, Marketing Warrioress/Publisher -< - >- The New and Improved Cognigen PC Cognigen has recently completed a complete product update of their Cognigen PC site this week. On top of adding over 10,000 more products to the store, they have also cut prices by as much as 20% in some cases. Take a moment to check out the store and to see first hand all of the possibilities that are out there for you! Don't miss their new 1 GHz AMD systems! http://www.add2it.com/go/to.pl?l=m4u-cognigen-pc -< - >- ================================================================ 8) Newsletter Notes & Policies: -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=--=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- a) Please feel free to forward this newsletter in its entirety to your friends and associates. This information may not be electronically or otherwise transferred for any other reason. All rights reserved. b) Privacy statement: Your name and email address will never be traded or sold with any third party. c) To subscribe to the "More4you Newsletter" visit: http://www.add2it.com/mmp/sub.cgi?m4u=!FL or send an email to: d) When you subscribed you supplied the following data: First name: Last name: Email address: Referrers ID: To edit your name, please visit: http://www.add2it.com/mmp/ed.cgi?m4u= e) To unsubscribe from this free newsletter please visit: http://www.add2it.com/mmp/unsub.cgi?m4u= or send an email to: f) To receive a back issue of the "More4you Newsletter", please download it from the newsletter section at: http://www.million-mall.com/news/ g) If you are interested to advertise in the "More4you Newsletter", please send an email to the autoresponder at . You will receive the "Paid Advertisement Guidelines" by email. h) Disclaimer: While I believe that the ezine advertisements are ethical, I cannot be held responsible for any claims made by third-party advertisers. i) If you would like to be the sponsor of next months issue, please send an email to the autoresponder at . You will receive the "Sponsorship Guidelines" by email. j) If you'd like to write an article with tips, a training article or a tutorial for webmasters or entrepreneurs, please send an email to the autoresponder at . You will receive the "Author's Guidelines" by email. k) I welcome all comments, questions, tips, news, topic suggestions and other material related to tips, training and tutorials for webmasters and entrepreneurs. Please submit your material for publication to: l) To review "Frank Bauer's Choice", which just may be the right company for you, send an email to my autoresponder at: m) If you would like to cross link your web-page to "Frank Bauer's $1,000,000 Web-Mall" @ http://www.million-mall.com to increase our Web-Traffic please read the instructions on my web page at: http://www.add2it.com/go/to.pl?l=m4u-crosslink ================================================================ More4you Newsletter http://www.add2it.com/news/ Publisher & Editors: Address: P.O. Box 620, Sydney NSW 2001, Australia Voice: +1-650-488-8328 Fax: +1-413-403-2654 More contact information at: http://www.add2it.com/contact.shtml =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Does your website need more traffic? Your website will be submitted to over 1000 search engines & directories! Guaranteed! Visit: http://www.add2it.com/go/to.pl?l=m4u-moretraffic =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Are you still searching for... ? Amazing lists of resources and the best sites to shop. The best of & about network marketing and other resources. How to build your traffic & your business. You will find all this and more at: http://www.million-mall.com =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Would you like more... ? http://www.add2it.com Scripts & Service for Webmasters =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- (C)2002 by Frank Bauer (except as noted) ================================================================