================================================================ More4you Newsletter ... more tips, training & tutorials for webmasters & entrepreneurs. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=--=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Everything you need to make your website & business a success! ******************************** Issue 60 - June 01, 2001 ******************************** Published & edited by Frank Bauer www.million-mall.com & www.million-mall.de www.add2it.com & www.add2it.de ================================================================ The More4you Newsletter is delivered by subscription only. Subscription and removal instructions are located at the end of this newsletter. Table Of Content: -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- 1) Good Morning... ! 2) Sponsor Of This Newsletter Issue 3) First Article: "Seeing From Your Customer's Point of View Six ways to increase sales" by Kevin Nunley 4) News & Changes At Add2it & Million-Mall! 5) Second Article: "The Inside Story" by Robert Imbriale 6) The Question & Answers Section 7) Advertising Information & Classified Ads 8) Newsletter Notes & Policies ================================================================ 1) Good Morning... ! -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=--=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- I would like to welcome you to the 60th issue of the "More4you Newsletter"! Today is Friday, the 01st of June, 2001. The current number of subscribers is: 3145 This issue has been send from Virginia / USA. Just three more days and my family and I will be back in Kiel / Germany. Even while on vacation I have been rather busy, well... it was fun anyway. On the 24th and 28th of May two updates to the Add2it Mailman scripts have been released. Add2it Mailman Pro is now available in Version 2.01 and Add2it Mailman Free is available in Version 1.61. From this point on only the pro version will be further developed and new functions added. The free version will get only updated if necessary. You have one more month to email your answers for the "Question & Answers" section of the last issue. The Question has been: "Why do pop-up windows work or why are they just an annoyance?" OK, now let's get started immediately ... ... have fun, relax and enjoy! Frank Bauer Publisher & Editor of the "More4you Newsletter" ================================================================ 2) Sponsor Of This Newsletter Issue: -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=--=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- NEW: WE will help to build you an 80,000-strong mailing list. ---- FANTASTIC income stream. Sign up just 4 members within 3 days and you will earn A$10 / member for the entire matrix!! This is up to A$800,000. Act Now Don't miss this one!! Join today: http://add2it.com/go/to.cgi?l=my-list-maker ================================================================ 3) First Article: -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=--=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- "Seeing From Your Customer's Point of View Six ways to increase sales" by Kevin Nunley -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=--=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- The better you can describe your best customers, the more products and services you can sell. How do you that? * Know Your Customer What newspapers, magazines, and e-zines do they read? What topics interest them most? What groups or associations do they belong to? You can devise a questionnaire to send to your best customers and prospects. Entice them with a free offer or a big discount. Many actors start developing their character by writing down a long list of words that describe the character. This helps the actor think deeply about the part they are going to play. This strategy works well to help you figure out what kind of people buy often. You likely know far more about your prospects and customers than you realize. This method helps you get a clearer understanding of what you probably already know. * Do A Needs Analysis Experts on selling always tell you to start by doing a needs analysis for the customer. That's a fancy way of saying you need to figure out what the customer's problem is, and to decide how you can fix it. Would your potential customer's life be improved with your product or service? You can fix that! Does your customer find a certain product or service inferior? Your mission will be to deliver a better solution. Michael Dell got the idea for his Dell Computer business while he was still in high school. He quickly saw computer stores weren't giving him very good prices and service was almost nonexistent. As a customer, that was his problem. "When I would go to a computer store, I would pay 25 percent retail mark-up for a computer and be served by a person who knew little about computers," Dell wrote in a recent article. This early experience became the idea behind his own business. By selling direct to customers, Dell could eliminate the mark-up. He also insisted on customer support being a top priority, positioning Dell as a consumer advocate. * Ask Some Questions What if customers have some idea what they need, but don't understand the big picture of why they need it and how you can provide a solution? Be prepared for this. It is a little like when you or I go to the doctor. We know something hurts, but we may not know what is causing it. If you don't know what is causing the problem, it is very hard to come up with a cure. Start your needs analysis by asking questions. Help the customer zero in on the exact problem. When a prospect tells me "I'm not making any sales on my web site," I first find out if they are getting enough visitors. The problem could be too little traffic or they may be getting enough traffic but their site's copy isn't selling. Best of all, doing a needs analysis gets you focused on the customer. That is the quickest path to a sale. * Listen to your Customers Why is this important? Most of us tend to develop beliefs about ourselves, our products, and our businesses. We have strong feelings about why we are good, why people should buy from us, and why our customers find us important. Believing in yourself and your products and services is very important. It is hard to be successful if you don't believe with confidence. Beliefs can also blind us to reality or new conditions. Believing in a false reality can bring unpleasant surprises down the road when a competitor suddenly surges or customers begin to stay away. Watch yourself, your biz, and competitors with open eyes. Look for solid indicators that your view of things may need an adjustment. If customers disagree with your view, or just offer suggestions, listen to them. There may be some valuable grains of truth in what they think. * Stay Acquainted with Your Customers Keep notes! This tip sounds a bit sneaky, but customers love it. From time to time customers may tell you about something going on in their life. "My daughter is graduating next week" or "Product X is our best seller" or "My team won the championship." Write down those revelations for later use. Refer back to your notes right before placing a phone call or composing an e-mail to the customer. Selling depends on your excellent product or service, but also on your likability and ease with people. Notice how personal and natural this conversation sounds: "Is your daughter enjoying being a graduate? She's going to State U? You're probably looking for a low-cost computer for her. I have a great new budget model that fits into any space and is loaded with the software that a college student needs." Customers are impressed when you remember things about their life or business. They don't know you are reading from notes. The customer feels important. They think they are getting your special attention. In the end, that is the most powerful tool you can use to entice people to buy. * Remember What It Was Like To Be A Customer Many businesses say their best ideas come from customers. It is also a good idea to think back to before you started your business. Think back to the time when you were a customer buying from businesses like yours. What frustrated you? Were there parts of the business you felt weren't giving you a very good deal? Is that part of why you have a passion to give customers a better solution? Keep doing that by knowing your customers and satisfying their needs, because you were in their shoes once. -- Kevin Nunley provides marketing and copy writing. Read all his free tips at http://DrNunley.com See his popular marketing programs that combine the best of what works online. Reach Kevin at mailto:kevin@drnunley.com or (801)328-9006. ================================================================ 4) News & Changes At Add2it & Million-Mall: -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=--=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- This section will keep you updated on all important news and updates regarding: www.million-mall.com & www.million-mall.de www.add2it.com & www.add2it.de Below you find out about the 6 most important news & updates during the month of May. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=--=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- English / Englisch: 05/28/01 - Add2it Mailman Free 1.61 & Add2it Mailman Pro 2.01 have been released and are now available! Get your free update at: http://www.add2it.com/scripts/mailman-free.shtml or email me if you bought the pro version: 05/24/01 - Add2it Mailman Free 1.60 & Add2it Mailman Pro 2.00 have been released and are now available! Take a look at: http://www.add2it.com/scripts/ 05/11/01 - LEAP changed not only the name to: Empowerism - International Success Mentoring They also decreased the monthly fee and improved their compensation plan. Now it's better then ever before. http://www.empowerism.com/e/3996 05/01/01 - The latest issue of the "More4you Newsletter" is now online available in the back issues section at: http://www.million-mall.com/news/ -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=--=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- German / Deutsch: 28.05.01 - Add2it Mailman Free 1.61 & Add2it Mailman Pro 2.01 sind nun erhältlich! Sie erhalten Ihr gratis Update unter: http://www.add2it.com/skripte/mailman-free.shtml oder senden Sie mir eine Email wenn Sie die Pro Version gekauft haben: 24.05.01 - Add2it Mailman Free 1.60 & Add2it Mailman Pro 2.00 sind nun erhältlich! Schauen Sie unter: http://www.add2it.com/skripte/ ================================================================ 5) Second Article: -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=--=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- "The Inside Story" by Robert Imbriale, Internet Marketing Expert -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=--=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Why is it that you don't yet have all that you want in your life? Why is it that you never seem to be moving forward, making progress, or reaching your goals? Could it be that there is some force out there holding you back? Could it be your competitors, your family, your friends, or could it be something closer to home? Could it be... an "inside job?" Well, my dear friend let me share with you what I learned recently while attending a seminar given by Carole Dore. You may not know her name, but when I share with you what she taught, I'm sure you'll identify with her message! Let me start by saying that you get what you focus on. So if you focus your thoughts on what you don't want in your life, you get more of what it is that you don't want. Most often, people know what they don't want and will typically be really quick to tell you so! So let me ask you, what do you really want from your life. I mean, how often do you stop to think about your life in terms of how you would most like it to be, rather than how much you may not like the way it is now? Now, if you focus on what it is that you do want, you will get it... and often much more of it than you asked for! You are your thoughts. In fact, our lives are merely the printout of our innermost thoughts. And you thought that you could think whatever you wanted and that nobody could ever tell, right? You are your thoughts. You get what you think about most often. If that is true, then look at your life, your business, and even your relationships right now. Do you like what you see? Are you happy with what you have? Or do you really want more? What have you been thinking about? Do you focus on how little money you make in your business, so you actually begin to make LESS money? Do you spend your day complaining about your significant other so instead of making things better, they actually get worse as time goes on? Are you constantly bothered by what your neighbor is doing instead of being focused on what you are doing? Or, are you the type of person who can really overlook all the negative stuff that surrounds you and truly focus instead on what it is you really want in your life? If you are this type of person, I'll bet that your life is a happy one. Do you think about your business in terms of what it is like to actually be the owner of the most successful business on the block? Do you see yourself living the good life, owning real estate, or even traveling the world? Many people actually do focus on what it is that they really want in their lives, and still they don't get what they want! Now, wait a minute, didn't I just say that you get what you focus on? You bet I did! What happens is that you may focus on what you want until you encounter the first obstacle to get in your way. At that very moment, your vision is crushed, and the dream dies. You see, life is testing you and I all the time. And when you don't give up on your dreams, even when it seems all hope is lost, what most often happens is that your dreams are realized - quicker and more powerfully than ever! How often have you kept at it, even in the face of adversity, only to realize your dream shortly thereafter? I can tell you from my own experience that this has happened in my own life on many occasions. Building a successful business is a process that takes time, energy, effort, and most of all it means that you never lose sight of your dreams. I know many people who lost sight of their dream of business ownership and who are today working at jobs they hate for bosses they don't respect. Their lives reflect their pain in poor bank accounts and poor relationships. The good news is that this does not have to be the way they go through life! Listen, if this is indeed your life, and you are indeed going to make a success of it, why would you ever let anything come between you and your dreams? Start out by making a decision right now that you will do what it takes to get what you really want in your life. Create a powerful, highly detailed vision of what your life looks and feels like when you have what it is that you really want. Spend a lot of time on your vision. Make it as vivid as you can. Feel how it feels inside, see it, smell it, taste it, and touch it. Make it so real that your mind cannot tell that it is not already real in your life. Then, stick to it. Keep focused on your vision no matter what happens in your life and you will realize your dream ­ life is simply set up that way. In 1989 I began selling for the very first time online. Today, I am one of America's top Internet marketers because I stuck to my vision of becoming this very person. It didn't happen over night. It took years and tens of thousands of hours surfing the Internet. And there were many times where I could have just quit, but I never did. I kept my dream alive in my heart. And because I didn't quit, I get the honor and privilege to sit here and write to you today. To teach you what I know. And I get to live the life of my dreams, living in the most temperate climate in the entire country. These things are real today in my life because I made a decision, created a vision, and I stuck to it no matter how hard things became. Today I get to teach thousands of people how to make money on the Internet. And, I get to meet new people all the time, I get to travel, and I get to do what I want when I want. And, you can too! You have the potential within you to make your life everything you've always wished it would become... and you can start right now! This article is over. It's time for you to take action and make your life a life that is enjoyable in every way. You are the only one that can make it happen. . . so go to it! -- About the Author Robert Imbriale is an internationally known Internet marketing expert who has helped sell well over $100 Million in products and services on the Internet. His work is published worldwide and he has written several books including "Internet Marketing Secrets" which is now available free on the Internet at http://www.ultimatewealth.com. Robert can be reached via e-mail at Robert@ultimatewealth.com. ================================================================ 6) The Questions & Answers Section: -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=--=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Each issue, we are going to post a new question of interest for all marketers and the best answer(s) to the question of the previous issue. The question of the last issue: ------------------------------- "Why do pop-up windows work or why are they just an annoyance?" Please send your answer to this question to: You have an interesting question you would like answered? Please send your question to: ================================================================ 7) Advertising Information & Classified Ads: -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=--=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- The More4you Newsletter is not offering free classified ads, but you can earn and/or buy "Line Credit Points" (LCP's) and exchange them against classified ad space! If you are interested in buying LCP's, please send an email to the autoresponder at . You will receive the "Paid Advertisement Guidelines" by email. To learn how to earn LCP's or to see the FAQ section go to: http://www.million-mall.com/news/ And now let's see the latest ad news... ... yes, ads can be news too. :) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=--=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- REVEALED! Secrets of the Big Dogs! "Secrets of the Big Dogs" shows you what the "big boys" on the Internet are HIDING from you, and how YOU can "beat the System" to become an Internet power player! http://hop.clickbank.net/hop.cgi?edmison/bigdogs -<0-P>- >>> Credit Cards go MLM!! Free to join. <<< Nothing to buy or sell... no products... no kits... no collecting money... Just give away free credit cards and earn $10.00 per sign up + $2.00 9 levels deep. >>> This is so easy...How many can you give away??? <<< http://add2it.com/go/to.cgi?l=vivarebates -< - >- Lazy Person's Guide to Internet Wealth - Free book reveals how you can earn $1000 a week or more in less than 90 days working online at home part-time. link: http://www.megaprofits.com/million -<0-E>- Special Notice for our subscribers: It seems like everybody these days has been rehashing the same old thing about how to "make money on the Internet". That's why what I'm about to tell you seems so noteworthy... I've recently been in contact with someone who has been using the Internet and technology to earn large sums of money (we're talking millions of dollars) using a completely different approach: His name is Mike Enlow, and he's been endorsed by many of the most successful marketing experts in the world as the "pioneer" of using technologies to literally cut risk so you *can't fail!* For his many innovations, he is often called the "godfather" of the online marketing revolution. Frankly, I would be doing you a disservice if I didn't let you know about his most creative endeavor yet - a virtual online marketing encyclopedia - the "key to the vault" I believe will unlock profits for you like nothing else on the net. When I approached Mike about his new program, I was able to arrange for my readers to get into this information *right away* by getting you access to his famous 8-page report; "Sand Castles to Empires, How To Start With Nothing and Create Great Wealth." Read it at your earliest convenience as it is available for just a short time for you, my readers. Go there now: http://add2it.com/go/to.cgi?l=momic -< - >- MAKE MORE MONEY online! Get SMART with FREE Internet Tips, Opportunities & Humor News, get insider secrets, tips, articles, special deals, Internet resources, great FREEBIES, and more! FREE "Magic Letters" Report to next 100 new subscribers to WealthWorld Gazette http://www.internetcashplanet.com/wealthworld mailto:nperry@westsound.com?subject=subscribe -<0-E>- * WANT REAL ONLINE SUCCESS? * PROMOTE & EXPOSE Your Site to the MAX! Over * 300 TOOLS * in One TERRIFIC Package! Promote ANY site, MAKE MONEY, & get MASSIVE RESULTS today! Hurry! Get YOUR SITE out there! http://add2it.com/go/to.cgi?l=advantagemax -< - >- CALLING ALL NEWBIES AND GURU'S ALIKE! Are you trying to figure out ALL the answers?Looking for a ONE-STOP info Shop? TODAY is your lucky day! YOU just found it. Up-to-date info at your click and command. Read all about it! angiesanswers-subscribe@topica.com http://www.atbizopps.com/Angies_Answers.html -<0-E>- You can PLAY the German Lotto, WIN Tremendous Prizes and EARN Huge Commissions when YOU become an Agent for FREE!!! - LottoTeam offers now a free fun drawing on their web site in which you can win 500,000 Euro, a new car or cash prizes from 50 to 500 Euro! - The LottoTeam Guarantee: If you play LottoTeam for 12 months without ever winning, LottoTeam will pay you 10,000 Euro! You can't lose with LottoTeam! - Up to 32.5% first level commission - easy for you to earn! - Up to 1,000,000 Euro in Bonuses paid! - LottoTeam has a free, self replicating web site for all members in three languages... English, Spanish & German! Click to win: http://add2it.com/go/to.cgi?l=lottoteam -< - >- Need traffic? See how to get it NOW! Fill out the form and get a free ad on our high traffic mall complex with over 1 million visitors! -<0-E>- NEW!!! NO COST FOR YOU!!! FREE WEB SITE!!! http://add2it.com/go/to.cgi?l=creditcards Earn $150 for each new Merchant Account you refer! This business alone can pay you a full time living wage. It costs you nothing to start. You get a free web site! When a new person applies for their account, you are notified via e-mail. You get $150 for each new merchant you refer. Paid monthly. You are also paid an additional $25.00 for anyone sponsored by your front lines!!! GO4IT NOW!!! IT'S FREE!!! http://add2it.com/go/to.cgi?l=creditcards -< - >- Subscribe to our FBCN-FREE Business Classifieds Newsletter & receive FREE online access to our Password Protected "FREE Submit To Over 1.5 MILLION FREE Ad Sites - DAILY!" mailto:subscribe_fbcn5@emailexchange.org Or visit: http://www.emailexchange.org/?adswaps -<0-E>- Does Your Web Site Need More Traffic? Your web site will be submitted to over 1000 search engines and directories without any effort from your side! Let us do all the work for you today: http://add2it.com/go/to.cgi?l=submit -< - >- FREE ADS! Join The Mega Promoter Ezine and you can start promoting your biz or program once a week for FREE! Subscribe at tmpezine-subscribe@yahoogroups.com -<0-E>- WANNA JUMPSTART YOUR ONLINE VENTURES? Corey Rudl, internet marketing guru and owner of FOUR successful businesses, three of them ONLINE, introduces his new marketing course, "The Insider Secrets to Marketing your Business on the Internet." http://add2it.com/go/to.cgi?l=marketingtips This 500 page course is jam-packed full of tips, helps, and ideas, from designing your pages for high ranking in search engines, to the power of email and how to use it properly. I personally own his course and admit that practically EVERYTHING I know comes from his course. Get this course NOW while it is still available!!!! Learn the information that your competitors already have at their fingertips. Check it out today! http://add2it.com/go/to.cgi?l=marketingtips -< - >- Subscribe to our FBCN-FREE Business Classifieds Newsletter & receive FREE online access to our Password Protected "Submit To Over 2.6 MILLION FREE Ad Sites - DAILY!" mailto:subscribe_fbcn5@emailexchange.org Or visit: http://www.emailexchange.org/?adswaps -<0-E>- Are you tired of searching for ad rates, or how to place a classified ad in an ezine, or which ones to advertise in? The Directory of Ezines, a hassle-free guide to ezine advertising is your solution. Samples, details, free gift, how to order and subscribe to our ezine at: http://add2it.com/go/to.cgi?l=ezines -< - >- E-Zine Advertising WORKS! Place your ad in 100s of e-zines like this one. The E-Zine AdSource Directory is the place to find discount e-zine ad space. Come see! http://add2it.com/go/to.cgi?l=ezineadsource -< - >- Could You Use An Extra... oh... 100,000 or so Visitors To Your Site? How About One Million - All FREE! FREE Hit Getting Marketing Machine... Your hit counter will scream "I SURRENDER!" when you join the FreeLinksNetwork.com program. If you can type an ad for your web site or even just a headline, you are in!!! And, if you want to find others who'll gladly TRADE reciprocal links with you then join today. With the great power of multi-connected marketing and this FREE program your ad will be exposed to hundreds of thousands, even millions. Nothing like FreeLinksNetwork.com exists on the Net today - nothing. It is a marketing dream machine. Five minutes from now you can become part of Net history, just by checking out http://add2it.com/go/to.cgi?l=freelinksnetwork -< - >- LEAP's training posts & newsletter provide the skills and knowledge you need for Internet marketing success. In the LEAP toolbox, you'll discover plenty of resources and instructions to help you start building traffic to your site. Our simple 4x7 forced matrix compensation plan allows you to focus on learning marketing skills instead of spending a lot of time figuring out commissions. LEAP will help you make more money in your current program. Check out the details at: http://add2it.com/go/to.cgi?l=leap -< - >- No One Offers You a Better Deal On Ezine Ads. Send YOUR AD to 1000s for only Two Dollars. See the Difference NON SPAM Ezine Ads Make. http://add2it.com/go/to.cgi?l=twodollarads -< - >- AUTOMATE YOUR EMAIL FOLLOW UP RIGHT FROM YOUR PC! Get some of your time back! Powerful Microsoft Access based software tracks all your contacts and automatically follows-up with as many message series you want. Easily convert more leads into sales in less time. Put your email follow-up on autopilot. With 2 clicks, you can follow up with your prospects, customers and Associates as often as you want. Try Postmaster today for FREE and join our FREE Two-tiered Associate reseller program. http://add2it.com/go/to.cgi?l=postmaster -< - >- POWERFUL NEW WAY TO TRACK YOUR ADS! A breakthrough in ad tracking! No more frustrating tasks, painful load times and disorganized statistics! Unique, never before seen features actually help you track and test your marketing! FREE demo! Click Here http://add2it.com/go/to.cgi?l=adtrackz -< - >- Home Security Launched Cognigen Networks Inc announced last week their newest addition to their line of products and services, home security systems. Protect America, one of America's fastest growing providers of home security monitoring service, was selected from a very competitive pool of service providers to become the first home security vendor for Cognigen. Protect America, Inc. will take the orders directly from the Cognigen web site, http://cognigen.net/ProtectAmerica/?add2it handle all customer service, and provide 24-hour home monitoring service for their customers. -< - >- If you are a list owner or plan to have your own soon, you need to check out my new list host software! http://add2it.com/scripts/mailman-pro.shtml?JTD It can run unlimited lists and the options are unbelievable! It will handle the subscribes and unsubs for you and send not only you a message letting you know what is going on, but can send your subs a message you have preset for them as a welcome and so much more! You can set up your subscriber form to ask for just first name and email address, as I have chosen to do, or several more options to make your list info as targeted as possible and you have got to go SEE it to get a glimmering of all this software offers for ONLY $49.00! I tried the free trial and an hour later was checking into the purchase option and if I could set it up with NO cgi or perl knowledge, anyone can use it! http://add2it.com/scripts/mailman-pro.shtml?JTD It costs you nothing to try out the trial and I would just bet you will love it as much as I did! No longer will I have to worry about a list host shutting me down because all of a sudden they change their policies and I will never again know the nightmare of last week when I was shut out of my own list and told I was "not a member"! - Jan Tallent-Dandridge, Marketing Warrioress/Publisher -< - >- The New and Improved Cognigen PC Cognigen has recently completed a complete product update of their Cognigen PC site this week. On top of adding over 10,000 more products to the store, they have also cut prices by as much as 20% in some cases. http://cognigen-pc.com/?add2it Take a moment to check out the store and to see first hand all of the possibilities that are out there for you! Don't miss their new 1 GHz AMD systems! ================================================================ 8) Newsletter Notes & Policies: -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=--=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- a) Please feel free to forward this newsletter in its entirety to your friends and associates. This information may not be electronically or otherwise transferred for any other reason. All rights reserved. b) Privacy statement: Your name and email address will never be traded or sold with any third party. c) To subscribe to the "More4you Newsletter" visit: http://www.add2it.com/mmp/sub.cgi?m4u=!FL or send an email to: d) When you subscribed you supplied the following data: First name: Last name: Email address: Referrers ID: To edit your name, please visit: http://www.add2it.com/mmp/ed.cgi?m4u= e) To unsubscribe from this free newsletter please visit: http://www.add2it.com/mmp/unsub.cgi?m4u= f) To receive a back issue of the "More4you Newsletter", please download it from the newsletter section at: http://www.million-mall.com/news/ g) If you are interested to advertise in the "More4you Newsletter", please send an email to the autoresponder at . You will receive the "Paid Advertisement Guidelines" by email. h) Disclaimer: While I believe that the ezine advertisements are ethical, I cannot be held responsible for any claims made by third-party advertisers. i) If you would like to be the sponsor of next months issue, please send an email to the autoresponder at . You will receive the "Sponsorship Guidelines" by email. j) If you'd like to write an article with tips, a training article or a tutorial for webmasters or entrepreneurs, please send an email to the autoresponder at . You will receive the "Author's Guidelines" by email. k) I welcome all comments, questions, tips, news, topic suggestions and other material related to tips, training and tutorials for webmasters and entrepreneurs. Please submit your material for publication to: l) To review "Frank Bauer's Choice", which just may be the right company for you, send an email to my autoresponder at: m) If you would like to cross link your web-page to "Frank Bauer's $1,000,000 Web-Mall" @ http://www.million-mall.com to increase our Web-Traffic please read the instructions on my web page at: http://add2it.com/go/to.cgi?l=crosslink ================================================================ More4you Newsletter http://www.million-mall.com/news/ Publisher & Editors: Address: P.O. Box 620, Sydney NSW 2001, Australia Voice+Fax: +1-320-204-3250 & +49-180-5052-5555-8359 ICQ: 8036878 More contact information at: http://www.add2it.com/contact.shtml Or By Autoresponder: =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Does your website need more traffic? Your website will be submitted to over 1000 search engines & directories! Guaranteed! Visit: http://www.add2it.com/go/to.cgi?l=moretraffic =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Are you still searching for... ? Amazing lists of resources and the best sites to shop. The best of & about network marketing and other resources. How to build your traffic & your business. You will find all this and more at: http://www.million-mall.com =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Would you like more... ? More tips, software & services for websurfers, webmasters & entrepreneurs! http://www.add2it.com =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- (C)2001 by Frank Bauer (except as noted) ================================================================